Starlight Arcana: A 5e Astral Supplement & Campaign
Created by Constantine "Kelfecil" Christakis
Explore the stars with the monumental 500+ pages tome for DnD 5e. An unmatched amount of content for both Players and Game Masters. Now open for pre-orders!
Please note, we are waiting to charge for shipping closer to fulfillment. After shipping fees are added in, you will be notified via email before your payment is charged.
Latest Updates from Our Project:
MORE Rewards! - Communication Matters
8 days ago
– Thu, Feb 20, 2025 at 11:25:28 AM
Hey everyone,
We've prepared another update for all of you, especially for the people in the US & CA regions that have been affected by the new shipping charges.
Let's get into the news.
Open Communications
We are very serious about keeping communications open for both positive and negative comments and in all cases; we take those comments very seriously.
If you check the general comments section of the project or the comments section of any of our updates, you will notice that I have, personally, been trying my best to answer every single comment that backers leave for us in an as informative manner as I possibly can.
While not every comment is nice to read, we believe that being active and communicative the whole way through the project (both through ups and downs) is extremely important because we learn from your feedback and we also address various issues that we may not have noticed for various reasons.
For example, as soon as we saw comments about the charge not being something you can opt out of, we immediately contacted BackerKit, extended the deadline for payments and made sure we have a proper manner to handle that. When we said that the charge is not forced we were serious about it, but at the same time, we were not aware of how BackerKit operates when it comes to these things (nor did BackerKit notify us about it when we explained what the process for the charges needs to be like).
Another thing that we learned from your comments is how important the minor arcana tarot cards are to a lot of you. Although we dreamed big about making them (and failed just as miserably when we were faced with having to make them) when we announced that we won't be able to make them, a lot of you mentioned that you specifically backed the project for the full tarot deck. We have been on and off trying to plan it in a way that it is actually feasible for us to make them and offer them to you.
Overall, it was never our intention to mislead you about a stretch goal, a difficult situation with the project's fulfillment or anything else. If circumstances changed along the way, we tried our best to explain it (and sometimes, despite our best efforts, did not do a great job with explaining it fully simply because these are very complex issues) and keep you updated on everything that is going on.
New Charges. Why?
We also tried to avoid having to add any kind of additional charges for any backer. We are not here to make "big money" with our projects. If anyone really believes that then they have either completely skipped through all of our updates or just choose to see us that way no matter what we say or do. We are two people who are trying to make a living out of doing what they love; creating awesome stories and content. There is literally nothing else to it.
Just because Starlight Arcana did really well in numbers, does not mean that we made an extravagant amount of money. We paid ALL of our collaborators based on the numbers that were communicated with us and once we found out that certain numbers weren't communicated at all, then we were of course left with a deficit. We explored multiple options and solutions to that problem but in the end of the day, we had to add the new shipping charges in order to be able to complete fulfillment. The situation is of course a bit more complex than that, but that is really the best way I can describe it to you in just a paragraph so that you know why this is happening.
We are not idiots. We are also people who like to back crowdfunding projects. We obviously do not like getting charged for something we already paid for and the last thing we ever wanted was add charges to the people that have already trusted us with their money for our project. This just breaks the trust and sullies our reputation. Although we wanted to avoid this sort of solution, after a long time of exploring all sorts of other avenues to tackle this, it is clearly the only way we can deal with it in order to finalize the project.
More Bonuses for affected Backers!
What can we do about it now? Well, the only way to make it at least a bit nicer for everyone who has to pay this new shipping charge, is by offering extras. We had a lot of ideas of what to offer and I was very stubborn on offering only new things. However, one of your comments really helped me see things differently.
Someone mentioned "you have so much other published content, why not offer some of those?" We already discussed about doing this sort of thing and it kept feeling somewhat like a bad move when we made various arguments for and against it. Mostly because I did not want people to have something "older" than Starlight Arcana that would not be of the same quality (which, to be honest, is still amazing quality and those modules still do pretty well on the market) or something that has already been made and is not relevant to Starlight Arcana (despite the fact that they are all set in the same setting).
This was me being stubborn and after seeing that one comment, I replied that I will put it up for discussion. We discussed it with some people on our discord server (it's awesome by the way, you should join us if you want to discuss pretty much anything) and everyone agreed that it can only be a good thing.
With that in mind, I would like to thank all of the people that made me see this more clearly and we will be doing the following:
Instead of making a whole new adventure that affected backers would receive, we will offer x20 modules from our backlog. Specifically x20 of my best adventures!
Also, for the people that already had the Kelfecil's Tales Digital Content Collection add-on in their pledge; don't worry, these x20 modules will have minimum amounts of overlap with the ones found in the collection.
The reason why we are replacing the adventure with all of these (instead of leaving it in) is because it will be more possible to meet the deadlines for all the things we have planned for going out. Crystal Chaos and Sirensong are projects that are more or less completed (even if one is still running and the other one hasn't even started yet) but we still have a lot of work to do for them and we want to keep up with our production schedule while also being able to deliver everything to backers of our previous projects (Starlight Arcana and Soulfrost Reliquary).
We are taking planning and financing EXTREMELY seriously after the whole situation with Starlight Arcana so we are very careful not to overpromise anything.
Address & Card Change
If you need to have your address changed, please contact me via PM on Kickstarter or via e-mail at [email protected]
If you need to have your card changed on BackerKit, then you need to contact me via PM on Kickstarter or via e-mail at [email protected] . Wedo not handle any sensitive information like payment details. What I will do is add your backer e-mail and information so that I can forward it to the BackerKit team who will then offer a way for you to change that information.
If you do not wish to be charged for the new shipping charge, then please contact me via PM on Kickstarter or via e-mail at [email protected] . I will add your e-mail and backer information to the list of people that wish to not be charged.
Reminder once again that if you do not pay the full shipping for your pledge then we simply cannot send you your pledge. We also are way past the point of offering any refunds as funds have been allocated for various things around the project.
Addressing Accusations and Intense Comments
Just like with many other things, because this was our very first project, we are still getting used to various things.
One of those things is addressing overly negative and straight-up toxic (for lack of a better word) comments.
We of course knew there would be a lot of people that are frustrated with the situation and, with the internet being the internet, a lot of people would choose to vent that frustration and unload directly onto us. We knew we would have to carefully navigate the sea of negative comments with grace and professionalism and no matter how emotional we get, we must always reply with respect.
What we did not know (because of our naivety) is that Kickstarter has extremely strict rules for comments that are straight up accusations. Had we known that, we would have taken the necessary actions for it much earlier.
What do I mean by that?
Kickstarter informs creators that they should report comments that use accusatory or vulgar words so that they can 1) have the comments removed and/or 2) possibly even remove the backer from the campaign. Under the TOS of Kickstarter, the creator is not obliged to provide a refund in any way either if this happens.
I have repeatedly mentioned that everyone will get their reward no matter what and I also tried my best to give context around what I mean when I say that. Now that the new shipping charges solution is here, a lot of people chose to go to the comments section and completely unload all of their emotions on us with many cases being completely out of context, uninformed (because they clearly did not read or understand the information we have shared) or straight up accusatory without basis.
We thought that we just have to "weather the storm" since there will always be people that think the internet is their therapist, but we were not aware that there is a proper way to deal with those situations.
So, what will we be doing about this from now?
When a comment uses accusatory or vulgar language, we will be reporting the comment right away to Kickstarter so that their team can review it and deal with the situation.
We want to remind everyone that we are more than happy to answer ANY comment, no matter how negative it may be. You can be frustrated, disappointed, and angry but the way you speak matters (especially when it's in public). The comments section on Kickstarter is locked (cannot edit or delete comments) just because the platform wants to promote transparency on every running project. People should be able to see what is being said about the project.
However, when people decide to treat it as a forum to vent their frustration by throwing all sorts of heavy language, then it becomes problematic, both for the creators and the rest of the backers. If someone visits the comment section and the first thing they see is the word "fraud" or "scam", then that does not really scream "productive feedback" does it?
So, our suggestion?
We have proven again and again that no matter how bad things get with the projects, we will always answer your questions. We may not be able to always explain things perfectly or share all the details (because we simply can't, we are still running a business after all, no matter how small it is), but we will always address your questions.
If you are still frustrated and not happy with the answer we have given you, then I do have to point out the following (and this is the words that many other creators, apparently, have used for such situations):
We are sorry that the situation has left you feeling this way. However, backing a project does not give you the license or right to abuse the creator of the project.
We want to once again say a huge thank you to everyone who has been patient with us, everyone who has sent us positive messages and everyone that is super excited to get the book.
No matter how crap things may be with the project right now, we really want you to know that; we care.
When we wake up in the morning and we see a toxic comment, that ruins our whole day. This is our whole life. It's our day job and our night job. It's what we care about and what we do. Both for fun and for putting food on the table. If we didn't care, we wouldn't be posting about this all the time. We would just adopt the classic "big company crowdfunding project approach" and go radio silent until we have any kind of movement on pledges. We care about the trust you have put in us, be it we have 2500 backers or just 200.
For Soulfrost Reliquary, we made sure we do everything on our own just to avoid this kind of messy situation. For future projects, we are doing POD because we know that many do not trust us for physical pledge delivery AND THAT IS FAIR. We wouldn't either so we completely understand that.
We need to earn that trust again, so until we do we won't be handling any kind of printing & fulfillment. We won't be touching it at all. We will not be handling payments for printing & fulfillment nor the process for any of our future projects. We are good at delivering awesome content FAST (digitally) and we hope to only get better at it.
For all of you that have believed in us, thank you from the bottom of our hearts. It means the world to us that you are all still believing in the stars we chose to make.
Be it we see you on a future project or not, we hope you have some amazing adventures with Starlight Arcana and we also hope you do not lose faith in supporting creators and their dreams. Starlight Arcana was not just a huge lesson for us, but also for backers since it shows that crowdfunding can be very tumultuous and tricky.
We hope you all have a fantastic rest of your week and please remember to look after yourselves. Also, obviously and as always... may the Stars guide your way!
US/CA Fulfillment - Charges Delayed, Important Note
10 days ago
– Tue, Feb 18, 2025 at 04:50:33 PM
Hey everyone,
I want to put out another update real fast before I head to bed because this is extremely important.
For people that do NOT want to pay the charge
We are NOT forcing anyone to pay the new shipping charge. We want to make that super clear.
BackerKit does not have an easy way to remove your card and we were not aware of that, but as soon as people brought it to our attention, we made sure we pause the process and first give enough time to communicate this with everyone before we give the ok to BackerKit to initiate the charge (BackerKit does that, not us by the way).
We have contacted Brandon (our contact at BackerKit) to let him know that we want to make the charges in a week from now instead so that backers have enough time to message us and let us know if they want to pay the new shipping charge or not.
Reminder that if you do not pay the new shipping charge, then that means that we have not collected the full shipping cost and therefore cannot send out your pledge.
> So, if you do not want to pay your charge, please send me a message via PM on Kickstarter or an e-mail at [email protected] informing me that you do not want to pay this charge.
I would greatly appreciate it if you keep the message short because it's easy to get these things confused and lost when processing bigger number of messages.
For people that want to change their address
I am already processing all of the address change requests that people sent in and I will slowly but surely get through all of them by the end of tomorrow.
Please do not worry about the address changes by the way since I am constantly checking my inbox every day to make sure I process all of them. You still have a full 2 weeks before we download the backers' address information to send it over to the fulfillment center to begin fulfillment.
Once again, thank you for your patience and understanding with all of this. We really care about doing the best we can to communicate everything clearly and in good time.
Also, thank you for bringing the whole issue with BackerKit to our attention. It is important that we address those things in good time.
US/CA Fulfillment - Charges & Shipping Soon
10 days ago
– Tue, Feb 18, 2025 at 06:40:18 AM
Hey everyone,
This is an update for all the backers that are in the US & CA regions.
Charges going out and important Info
As explained in the last few updates, our only solution in order to move forward is to charge the remaining shipping costs to all backers based on the weight of their pledge. So here are the important things you need to know:
We have worked closely with Brandon from the BackerKit team (thank you again Brandon for your huge help) to make sure that we charge the right backers for the right amount. On top of that, an e-mail notification for this charge went out from BackerKit yesterday so that all the relevant backers are aware of this ahead of the charge that will happen on Wednesday 19th of February (tomorrow).
If you have issues with your address, then please send me a direct PM on Kickstarter or an e-mail via [email protected] and I will personally take care of it as soon as possible.
If you would like to change your card details, then please contact BackerKit about it. There were a couple of people that contacted me and I did take note of their issue, but we do not handle personal data like that, so we will never ask you for payment details directly. These things go through BackerKit.
We will wait a full x2 weeks for all the charges to go through before we begin fulfillment in the US & CA regions. That means that you have up until the 5th of March to finalize your pledge and make sure it's complete.
We have tried to make sure this is communicated multiple times and well in advance through both updates and even a direct BackerKit e-mail so that you know about when the charge is going to happen and why. Nobody is forced to pay this charge. However, if you do not pay the full shipping cost (which means the remaining charge too) then we cannot fulfill your pledge.
This was a very difficult decision to make and we would like to once again say a huge thank you for your support and your patience on the matter.
We would also like to say that this is not what we wanted to do with the project and it is just the best solution we could find for finally fulfilling the remaining orders instead of letting them sit in the warehouse for too long while uncertainty builds up and warehousing costs keep burning a hole in our pockets.
We understand the frustration that many of you feel with the added shipping costs and we really wish we could do things differently, yet this is the only solution we have available which allows us to finalize the project's fulfillment.
Free Content for all Backers
We know that it does not fully make up for the long wait, the added shipping charge and the frustration that many of you felt with the project's troubles, but we wanted to give something back to at least make up for it even a little bit.
All backers will be receiving the following for free:
1) Every backer who has the tarot deck in their pledge will receive the full tarot pack in digital PDF form (all 78 cards, both major and minor arcana). This means you can print it at home or you can bring it to a local printer to print it for you so that you can have the full tarot deck.
2) Every backer will also receive a one-shot adventure that takes place in the Sea of Stars. This adventure will give hints of what is to come in the upcoming supplement to Starlight Arcana, Alya's Guide to Sailing the Stars, which will include astral naval combat among many other things.
3) Last but not least, every backer will get a special sneak peek into Souls Arcana through a PDF that will detail a lot of the awesome lore that is coming to that project.
All these rewards will be distributed via BackerKit's downloads system.
These rewards will be available sometime in March 2025. The Adventure and the Souls Arcana Lore PDF are almost ready and the tarot deck PDF is "work-in-progress" with an estimated time of completion being in April.
Once again, a huge thank you to all of you for your patience & support.
We have talked about it numerous times through our past few updates, explaining the situation, how difficult it is for us, what mistakes we made, how we are trying to find solutions to the issues that we encountered and so much more. We knew there would be some negative comments (and it makes sense there would be since it was a very frustrating situation) but we never thought there would be so many positive ones too. It really helped and we wanted to say that once again because it means the world to us.
Waking up in the morning to a notification about a comment on Kickstarter and hoping it's positive kind of sets the tone for the rest of your day. Trying to be excited to do work on other projects while your first (and currently biggest one) is still suffering from issues has been something we struggled with a lot and we couldn't have pushed forward if it wasn't for all the lovely people that urged us to keep working hard.
You are the absolute best and be it that you are here for our next project or not, we really appreciate you having believed in Starlight Arcana and everything that it stands for as a project.
We are also very excited to see that our no ads and POD-only strategy is working wonders as our first POD project (Crystal Chaos) just reached its first stretch goal! We kept talking about being able to price things cheaper and we were finally able to prove it with our latest project. We hope to continue like that for many years to come so that we can keep spreading our love for awesome stories and TTRPGs non-stop!
Thank you once again Starlighters... and may Starlight guide your way.
February 2025 Update
24 days ago
– Tue, Feb 04, 2025 at 10:09:27 AM
Hey everyone!
For today's update I have prepared a video because I felt it was more personal and hearing me talk about it instead of just reading emotionless text would be way better for getting the message across.
Text version follows...
I hope the new year has found you in good health! This is a video update that was long overdue, but here I am today to bring you all the news about Starlight Arcana and more.
Many of you are watching this to learn about where your book is though, so let's get straight to it!
US/CA Fulfillment
So, right now, all of the pledges for the US and CA region are in the fulfillment centers, and we are paying, directly out of our pockets, for storage fees so that they can stay safe and secured until we have the funds to ship them out.
The plan remains the same: charge backers for the extra shipping that is required in order to meet the quota needed to start shipping out pledges. This will happen somewhere around April of 2025. The reason why it will happen then is because there are a lot of other complications that are not allowing us to fully commit to this move just yet. As much as we'd like to do it NOW (if we could, we would literally do it today, get the payment in a couple of days and then just ship things out to be done), there are various parameters that do not allow for that yet.
Also, I would like to emphasize that this is NOT an "extra" cost. The shipping we will be charging is simply the difference that is missing due to the delay that we had in shipping out the pledges. If we do not have those extra costs, we simply cannot pay them out of our pockets (reminder that we are once again not a mega corporation but an independent publishing team of two people.)
Gifts for all Backers
What we CAN do to make the whole thing a bit sweeter is deliver more value through things that backers would like and appreciate. For that reason, after multiple meetings with Dusky Cat, we came to the conclusion that we would like to offer the following:
1) Every backer will receive the full minor arcana tarot pack in digital PDF form. This means you can print it at home or you can bring it to a local printer to print it for you so that you can have the full tarot deck.
2) Every backer will also receive a one-shot adventure that takes place in the Sea of Stars. This adventure will give hints of what is to come in the upcoming supplement to Starlight Arcana, Alya's Guide to Sailing the Stars, which will include astral naval combat among many other things. It is just a taste, but a very awesome one.
3) Last but not least, every backer will get a special sneak peek into Souls Arcana through a PDF that will detail a lot of the awesome lore that is coming to that project. You've never seen hell like this and I gotta tell you it looks very very exciting.
We know that many of you really wanted to see the Minor Arcana be created when we reached that stretch goal during the live campaign and although we did not have the time to make it back then, we are fully committed to making it now so that you can all enjoy playing with a full tarot deck. The extra adventure and lore booklet are just extras that we really wanted to add because we really still feel very thankful to have had all of you amazing people support and believe in us.
We know that it has been difficult and frustrating to have to see update after update with all sorts of issues and we also know that many backers see this in a very transactional manner, wanting to just get the goods, so we once again, thank you for your patience and your understanding. Be it a positive or a negative comment, we learn from every little thing that we've heard from you and we are a hundred times more prepared to do better in the next one.
Also, I wanted to add another huge thanks to everyone who supported us by purchasing the Astral Maiden limited adventure. The funds from that adventure have all helped with being able to pay for some of the things that helped us move the project forward. The period for purchasing the adventure will be over in about a month, so if someone hasn't bought it yet and wishes to do so, now is the time, since after that it will not be available anywhere for a very long time.
A difficult experience
Starlight Arcana started as an absolutely fantastic experience and it slowly became a huge stress in both mine and Dusky's lives. There is no way to really explain the amount of frustration and stress that we both go through on a daily basis due to various things that have happened and because we are constantly trying to find a better solution (even though we have exhausted every other viable option).
The short story of it is that we got effed over by our printing and fulfillment partners and although our printing partner showed accountability for their mistakes, our fulfillment partner never did so, leaving us with the obligation of having to do that ourselves and also with having to find a solution to get this project fulfilled and finished.
I do want to emphasize once again, that everyone will get their pledges, no matter how long it takes and no matter how much we have to work through in order to get that done.
Also, we are the creators of this project, so it is without a doubt us who will always take responsibility for what is going on. It does not matter which collaborator made a mistake, we are still the ones that chose to work with them, so it still falls to us to say "we should have known better, now let's find a solution to that problem."
If you asked me "what would you change if you were to do it again?" I would just answer "I would not work with the same people again and I would just do POD."
Soulfrost Reliquary
For Soulfrost Reliquary, we feel very lucky to be able to be printing and fulfilling the project ourselves since the low amount of backers allows us to personally handle each of those parts. Despite the delays we've had due to the Starlight Arcana situation, we're still steadily moving towards a great printing option for that project and should be able to fulfill it by summer or autumn of 2025.
Our new POD Projects!
Next up, I would like to mention the fact that we are only running Print-on-Demand projects from now on. You may have read about this in the last couple of updates that I put up, but starting today, this becomes a reality since we are launching our 5E Zine; Crystal Chaos!
Print-on-Demand allows us to focus on what we love to do and what we do best, which is; making memorable content. No more struggles with printing and fulfillment and no more extreme costs for backers.
Just check Crystal Chaos and look at the ridiculously low prices that we are able to put up things for. 80+ pages for 7 EUR is something that many of our fellow creators saw and were amazed by, but that's the thing; we are able to do that, because we make everything ourselves.
We hope you will follow us on our next journeys through our upcoming projects and we hope that you will continue to enjoy all the amazing things we are making for you!
Crystal Chaos is only a small project though. If you would like to see what else we are working on, then you should definitely check out Sirensong which already has tons of preview updates and even x2 Free Preview adventures for you to download and play!
Patreon Releases TRIPLED!
Before I close this video update, I would also like to mention that the Kelfecil's Tales Patreon is getting a huge boost as well with a lot more releases (7 releases a month instead of 3) and also a free adventure every month that is available for a limited time only (because it will become an exclusive afterwards).
If you would like to keep up to date with what we are releasing, then you can do so by:
Once again, thank you all so much for your continued support and I hope to see you all with the Starlight Arcana books in your hands sooner than later.
Till next time... May Starlight guide your way my friends! ~Kelf
December 2024 Update
3 months ago
– Mon, Dec 02, 2024 at 10:14:42 AM
Hey there, starlighters!
I said I would be posting an update once a month even if there is not a lot of new things to report but I, unfortunately, was not able to keep up with all the hectic things that have been going on in my life in the past few months. I do apologize for that and I will try to be more consistent with the updates moving forward.
TL;DR for this update:
Extra shipping cost for all backers - quick explanation
Video update coming in January with a more in-depth explanation
New crowdfunding projects (print-on-demand) in February and April
So let's talk about the latest updates.
⏰US+CA Shipping⏰
We have been taking into consideration pretty much everything that we can possibly plan for when it comes to finalizing fulfillment of physical pledges in the US and CA regions.
So, here are the key points that you need to know about:
We were not informed about the freight costs for pledges going overseas and therefore had to raise more money so that we can keep up with the invoices that were coming in before we can start shipping pledges out to backers.
Due to the lack of information on freight costs, the shipping date for physical pledges in the US and CA regions had to be pushed back a lot. Because of the date pushback, the shipping costs have increased over time as well.
If you are not new to backing crowdfunding projects then you are most definitely already aware of the horrible increases in shipping for all projects that ship worldwide. More and more companies reduce the amount of countries and regions they ship to because of this and the costs for shipping are constantly increasing for backers.
We knew about this but we could not do anything about it other than take as much time as we needed in order to raise the funds needed to pay for the freight invoices. For that reason (the delay in time), shipping has increased and we will therefore have to charge an extra amount to all backers based on the weight of their pledge.
We are in close communication with GamesQuest in regards to the shipping cost increases and although we have an estimate for the current shipping costs, by May 2025 (which is when we expect we should be able to start moving forward with shipping in those regions) we were told to expect a 15% increase on top of what we see now.
With all that in mind, we expect backers in those regions would have to pay an extra 20 to 25 USD in order to receive their pledges (again depending on weight, since smaller pledges will see a significantly smaller increase in shipping cost).
For now, all of the US and CA region pledges are safe in a fulfillment warehouse. We are paying a hefty monthly storage fee, but it is the best solution for now until we are able to fully fund the final fulfillment costs in spring of 2025.
EDIT (based on a question from the comments): When should I expect the charge to come through? The charge will be automatic but we will also notify everyone at least twice in advance to it so that it does not come as a surprise charge. The charge should come sometime in May 2025 when we have reviewed the shipping costs again.
At this point, I would like to emphasize once again that our main goal was to never have to charge extra shipping and I will, once again, personallytake responsibility for all of this. Be it the fact that this is our first project ever or that our fulfillment partner mishandled this in various ways (despite my continuous attempts at communicating with them that we are new at all of this and need more guidance), I should have planned better and taken even worse "worst case scenarios" in mind when going into this.
Kind reminder that we are a 2-person company and we do this for a living. We live with a paycheck that takes us month by month and company expenses are something that we try to juggle to the best of our abilities. We are very proud of what we have accomplished considering how late we entered the game and we ask that you are kind with your messages as we continue to communicate with you as much as we possibly can about the situation.
We are lucky enough to be able to continue working as hard as we always have to continue raising funds to fill in the gaps, but please keep in mind that we are not one of the lucky creators that started doing this in the glory days (more than 3-4 years ago) to have a Patreon or some other platform to fall back to in terms of hard cash. Our projects and our constant work is what keeps us running.
To this day, Kelfecil's Tales is by far one of the most active 3rd party TTRPG adventure writing and publishing companies especially when taking into consideration the size of the company (2 people, which in Polish legal terms is literally called a MICRO-company). We strive to create more and more content with awesome quality and we are even planning on running more projects with more consistency starting in 2025.
This is why we've chosen Print-on-Demand for all future projects; so that we will never have this kind of situation again and our name can become synonymous with reliability when it comes to delivering ALL of the project's rewards in record times (and not just the digital stuff, which although we are proud of, it is not enough).
We thank you for your patience and support even while going through all of this and hope you understand our position in this.
I will state once again that everyone will receive their pledges, be it sooner or later.
We do not plan to just disappear nor will we go completely silent. We will continue to answer all your questions, no matter how difficult it may be for us sometimes.
Once again, please expect a full video for a more direct explanation of the extra costs in a month and then again more information sometime around spring of 2025.
If you have any questions whatsoever about the whole shipping situation, please feel free to leave a comment and we will try to leave an answer as soon as we possibly can.
I am currently in the middle of a move to another city and I am absolutely exhausted because I had to plan and carry a lot of things myself as well as try to keep on top of work while doing all of that, so while my back and all my muscles are still recovering, I may respond a bit slower because I need a bit more time. It's been an extremely stressful time for me and even with that all going on, Starlight Arcana was always on my mind because I feel the need to finally close this project.
If you are curious as to why we are running new projects while the previous ones aren't done, then please take some time to read through the previous updates too for context on that. The synopsis of it is that previous projects are not affected by new ones in any way and since they will be Print-on-Demand, they might actually even be fulfilled faster than any other project we've run before. Not only that, but this is our main job and what puts food on our table, so running more projects is a must for us. We learned from the previous ones and found ways to make sure we are 100% fulfilling everything without any issues. Since we set record times for digital fulfillment, you know you can trust us on stuff that is going to be all digital (since Print-on-Demand is literally sending digital files to DriveThruRPG which handles the physical from there onwards).
💎February Zinefest on Kickstarter - Crystal Chaos!💎
This upcoming February, we are launching our first ever Zine project as part of the February Zinefest event that Kickstarter runs every year!
We are super excited to be making and releasing this since this will also be our first ever Print-on-Demand product which will set a standard for how we will be creating content from now on for bigger projects.
Crystal Chaosis going to have a whole bunch of awesome things:
🧙New Crystalmancer Sorcerer Subclass!
💀New Crystal Monsters!
✨New Crystalline Spells!
🫧New Mechanic & Lore with the Crystal Blight!
🧝New awesome NPCs to enrich your games!
💎An Adventure that will take players through the Crystal Grotto, home of the mystical and powerful Pandora, the All-Giving!
🧭Crystal-filled Battle Maps for you to use in your new adventures!
Make sure you follow us to be notified when we launch!
🌊New Grand Tale in April - Sirensong!🌊
In April of 2025, we will be launching our second Grand Tale project (the first one was Soulfrost Reliquary!)
The book is going to feature a whole new region, an awesome underwater campaign, tons of new player choices, spells, a completely new (with new illustrations) tarot deck and a lot more!
We have already started showing a lot of what will be in the book through the pre-launch updates that we are posting on Gamefound, so head over and check them out if you are interested!
New Project Planning
Dusky Cat and I take time every few months to reassess our planning for future work and more importantly our projects roadmap.
In case you did not know, we here at Kelfecil's Tales aspire to make amazing things, non-stop. For that reason, we are working with various freelance writers and artists from around the world who help us create all sorts of amazing projects. I said multiple times on updates and even mentioned it in the foreword of our projects that although this is mainly the work of two people, it would have been impossible to do what we do if we did not have such amazing people around us that are helping us with all sorts of things.
From artists committing to deliver monster artworks, NPC portrait artworks and amazing maps, to writers who are designing entire campaigns and regions from scratch with nothing more but a bit of narrative guidance and feedback from my side. Both Dusky and I are very happy to be able to work with such talented people and have been able to move to more management-heavy positions that help us see and design the bigger picture of all future projects.
So, just as a little tease, here is the most recent roadmap that we created.
Souls Arcana might be substituted with one of the earlier Grand Tale projects in the plan, it depends on how quickly we finish the whole production for it.
The projects that are currently in the works are: - Crystal Chaos (90% artwork done, 100% writing done) - Sirensong (80% artwork done, 100% writing done) - Sailing the Stars (70% artwork done, 80% writing done) - Space Tales (100% artwork done, 100% writing done) - Heavenfall (80% artwork done, 70% writing done) - Rordon Gamsay's (95% artwork done, 30% writing done) - Dance of Winds (100% artwork done, 80% writing done) - Rise of Anubis (90% artwork done, 60% writing done) - Nox & Pox (70% artwork done, 50% writing done) - Souls Arcana (70% artwork done, 20% writing done) Ongoing: Witchwood Hex, Blighted Lands, Misty Gardens
These are not just estimates, these are actual percentages based on our tables that show us how far we are done with what we need for a full release. We are constantly working on multiple projects at the same time because it allows us and the freelancers that we work with to keep things fresh, have options for future content and be able to diversify and change things up as we go. This also allows us to develop new ideas as we create things that ultimately help shape future projects in various ways.
SUP = Supplement GT = Grand Tale T = Tale CB = Core Book
Also, with the craze of AI becoming bigger and bigger in our industry, we feel obliged to remind everyone of our stance against AI.
We are vehemently against the use of AI. We do not use AI for anything in our work and only work with real people for the purposes of creating content.
We see a lot of projects in both the TTRPG and board games industry that use AI for writing and/or artwork and the excuses for it are not only ridiculous but laughable to say the least. The arguments for using it are in no way enough to justify making something not only low quality but also sketchy when considering how AI has been trained in order to generate what it is asked to generate.
We will never stand with any company that uses AI nor will you see us promoting any project that has any semblance of AI writing or artworks in their project.
I know it took a while to give you all an update, but please know that I am non-stop working on everything while also trying my best to give updates whenever that is needed. Expect an update at least once a month from now on since I will be able to more reliably make them after my move has finished near the end of December (yes, there is a lot more stress to go through still since the house I am moving to is not ready yet).
I hope December and the holidays finds you well and without any stresses in your life. Christmas is my favorite event of the year (mostly because there are awesome Christmas-themed events in video games I play) and although it has started on a very difficult note, I hope to find some peace and write some adventures in the upcoming holidays!
Till next time... may Starlight guide your way my friends!