Post-Project Update #5 - It's final. The book is 5E.
about 2 years ago
– Sat, Jan 21, 2023 at 09:26:56 AM
Hey everyone,
I am sure that a lot of you have already read through the recently released new OGL draft by WotC and you saw for yourself that although it is better than the original extremely bad stuff that was leaked, the new OGL is still super bad, manipulative and borderline scammy.
However, on the bright side, there have been enough posts, comments, and statements by WotC that allow us to be confident enough to make Starlight Arcana using the original OGL v1.0a and not worry too much about what this greedy and totally all-over-the-place company will do next.
So with that being said, I am here to tell you that; we are making Starlight Arcana using the 5E system as was originally planned. This means that we will be using OGL v1.0a in order to make the book we wanted to originally make.
Note on how we use the OGL:The way Starlight Arcana makes use of OGL v1.0a is by mostly making use of the system and the way monster stats are presented. We do not use more than one or two things from the SRD itself as most of the book is original content that was made from scratch for this project. We are still referencing the 5E system in order to explain skill checks, the difficulty for various quests and chapters in the story, monster stats, and combat in general.
This comment alone, in my eyes at least, shows that they are finally, even if slowly, starting to admit that they cannot pull back the OGL v1.0a. Even if it is in the document, all of their feedback on that new draft will literally say exactly that; that they CANNOT do that.
Nonetheless, Starlight Arcana is as good as published at this point and we have enough proof that shows it is a project that was published well before any of this new-OGL fiasco stuff came around.
It is very sad to see that people need to go to the lengths they have before a company like WotC even starts admitting things and changing things for the better. The worst part is that we are not even halfway there since the new OGL is still absolutely horrible.
I am personally starting to believe more and more every day that their revoking the first OGL v1.0a is basically something they simply cannot do and I remain hopeful that they will not completely ruin what the TTRPG industry had going for it while the OGL v1.0a was around.
WotC has lost all of our trust at this point and every new message just comes off as more manipulative than the last. They will have to go do amazing things in order to gain our trust again but for now, a good start would be completely shutting down the whole "new OGL" thing and just letting the other one exist as it is.
Will that happen? No, I do not believe so, but what matters to us is that we make Starlight Arcana and then move forward as we best can for future projects. With or without WotC's system.
Last update and confusion
With the last update, we tried to provide some clarity and transparency on how Kelfecil's Tales and the Starlight Arcana team can deal with the upcoming changes to the OGL.
I would like to clarify that the last update was NOT a statement on how we will proceed but rather a post to inform you how we MIGHT proceed in the future. Considering the fact that, even now, we do not have a fully official new OGL or any 100% legally binding information on how the new OGL is going to work, we only wanted to tell you how we perceived what is happening and how we have already found ways to pivot away from this mess should it come to the point where we need to protect our work and our rights with them.
Starlight Arcana was MARKETED, LAUNCHED ON KS, AND FUNDED AS A 5E PROJECT. For that reason, it has always been our goal to try and make it exactly that. The last update was meant to detail how absolutely shitty certain new developments were and how they might end up pushing us to the point of having to do something that is not what we initially promised just so that we can protect our hard work.
We do NOT want to advertise a new system. We never even wanted to make a new system. We just want to tell our stories and create memorable experiences for you and your friends while playing TTRPGs. We are working with the 5E system because it was the most popular and easiest-to-work-with system when it comes to creating content for a large audience.
Thank you for taking the time to read through these not-so-exciting updates and I promise you that there will be cool updates with more sneak peeks and more starlit things in the near future.
Thank you for your patience, your understanding and most of all your support as we try to navigate the waters of these unexpectedly difficult times. Your comments and messages have really touched our hearts and the overwhelming support we had from people telling us that they would support us even if we do not make SA as 5E was just stunning. Thank you so much for your kindness and we hope to be able to pay back that kindness by delivering to you a lot of awesome stories, memorable experiences, and lots of warm feelings with our projects.
May Starlight guide your way my friends,
Post-Project Update #4 - The OGL and the future of Starlight Arcana
about 2 years ago
– Mon, Jan 16, 2023 at 11:31:34 AM
Hey everyone,
I know I haven't made an update since the beginning of the new year but as most of you may already have suspected, the main reason behind that delay was the whole situation with the OGL that is affecting pretty much the majority of TTRPG creators out there.
I am probably one of the smallest creators being affected by this and I am in many ways in a much safer spot than others. That, however, does not mean that I am not affected too and that comes with a lot of stress, new decisions to be made, and a lot of waiting.
If you had not heard about it before, then what I am referring to is the fact that Wizards of the Coast decided to update the Open Game License from v1.0a to v.1.1. If you would like to read more about it, then this would be a good starting point.
How does the OGL affect Starlight Arcana?
There is no better way to talk about this other than getting RIGHT to the point. You are probably all concerned right now about how this whole OGL v1.1 is going to affect Starlight Arcana, the project you backed with your hard-earned money and are waiting to receive this year.
We have had a few talks with the rest of the team and we decided to be fully transparent about how we plan to approach this whole thing. Here are the most important things we have to say about it:
1) We want to say out loud that we fully acknowledge the fact that this project/book was marketed as 5th edition (under the OGL v1.0a) compatible content.
2) If the new OGL by WotC is as bad as it seemed to be in the leaked drafts, then we cannot, in good conscience and as professional creators, sign anything of the like. We will not allow anyone to take our original content, ideas, and hard work and do whatever they want with it. It is not about the money or the reporting involved in the new license, but rather about the fact that we will never give rights to our work this way to anyone, especially to a company like WotC.
3) We have been working really hard on making our own generic system that will allow you to play any of our content (including Starlight Arcana) in conjunction with any TTRPG system you may be using. This will require a bit of effort on the Game Master's part but it is meant to be easy to ingest and use in your games. We focus on the stories and experiences that our adventures provide first and on what system those are made with second. You can read more about this on the Patreon post I made about it last week here.
The Starlight 1.0 system is NOT a standalone system and relies on the Game Master introducing another system for combat and other things in order to run the game.
4) We completely understand that this is something that some of you may not like since you backed this project to receive something that was using the 5th edition system. For that reason, we are ready to provide alternatives for the backers that no longer wish to be involved in this project.
I am really sorry to say this but after all that has happened, even if OGL v1.1 comes out and it is looking somewhat decent, there is no way we can trust that company anymore to the point of putting in months of work and releasing stuff under their license. We do not know how they plan to change things up again and considering how small I am in comparison to a huge corporation like WotC, I would have no way to defend myself in any kind of legal situation that may arise if I were to try and protect my work.
The whole team has already said a lot of times when asked in comments, private messages, and on our discord server that we will try our best to make the content as easy as possible to adapt to your already running 5E games. Please be aware though that it will be as far from 5E as legally possible because we do not want to have any legal issues or anything of the like, now or in the future.
THERE IS A CHANCE that the OGL v1.1 will say something in the likes of "if a Kickstarter with a product using the OGL v1.0a was funded before January 2023, then it can still legally use that open license." If that is indeed the case (and this is just hoping honestly) then Starlight Arcana will be made in 5E since it is what was originally planned for it from the beginning.
What's the future like for Kelfecil's Tales and other projects?
The change in the OGL does not make or break what we do at Kelfecil's Tales. We will continue to write stories as we have always loved to do so.
I personally spent a lot of time doing research on various matters around the OGL both from a creative and a legal perspective so that I can be sure that what I do next is a safer path than the one we were on before.
I have been informed that a lot of other creators are either making their own systems or following something else like Paizo's ORC, Kobold Press's Black Flag or even switching to Year Zero Engine stuff by Free League. Mind you, I am a huge fan of Free League's products, and one of the first things that I wanted to do when I started Kelfecil's Tales was to make some Tales from the Loop and Symbaroum adventures. Unfortunately, this can only be done via DriveThruRPG and the Year Zero Engine OGL was at a very basic level that did not really inspire a lot of confidence for creators wanting to use it. I messaged Free League a lot of times about my will to make more 3rd party content outside of DTRPG but I am far too small to make a bump, so I'm thankful to see Free League now updating their OGL due to the whole situation caused by WotC.
All that being said, I am far too tired and weary of having to follow someone else's license and if anything, this whole situation was a lesson that taught me to be more careful. I am trying to be pragmatic without looking at things in a very dramatic manner (like, "oh no, they are out to get me! Maybe if not now, then in a year they will change things for the worst like WotC!") but the final decision I took was basically making my own thing so that I can continue to do what I love the most: NARRATIVE DESIGN FOR TTRPGs.
I started Kelfecil's Tales in order to tell stories and create experiences that would make for memorable sessions with your friends at the table. This is what I will continue to do, be it I use a d20 or a d6 to roll for checks.
We have big plans over at Kelfecil's Tales and right now we are focusing on:
- Finishing the new website for accessing all of the SRD-type stuff that our system (Starlight 1.0) will come with. That means, spells, monsters (stat blocks and artwork), and also lore for the Starlight Chronicles setting.
- Reiterating and updating the Starlight 1.0 system so that we can reach a point where we are comfortable with the kind of generic system we have in our hands.
- Delivering content that we have promised to all the backers and patrons. Starlight Arcana development has not stopped.
So where does this leave Starlight Arcana development at?
I am VERY happy to say that I was lucky enough to have organized the work for Starlight Arcana in a way that the OGL did not affect as much as it could have. A lot of the system-specific writing in the book was left to be reiterated and updated in the last parts of the development process. That means that we are finishing up lore and fluff-related content now and system-related stuff will come next.
With that in mind, it is very likely we will not have any delays and we will still be on track to deliver with the timeline we initially had in mind.
HOWEVER, I do want to stress the fact that Starlight 1.0 is still in development, and a few changes here and there might affect the writing in major ways that we cannot foresee right now. I am sincerely hoping that I will not have to make any updates saying that the development has been delayed, but please keep in mind that this is a big possibility, considering everything that is happening right now in the TTRPG field. Even if one of our collaborators is affected, that immediately affects us and pushes things back, so I will have to ask for your understanding and your patience as we all navigate through very difficult and murky waters.
So... what now?
We wait.
We have to wait and see what the OGL v1.1 is going to look like. We will spend a full day (or two) reading it very carefully before making a decision. It is only after the OGL v1.1 has been published that we can safely resume our work on Starlight Arcana and start pumping out content on Patreon once again.
In the meantime, we are working hard on everything else that we can safely work on. Things such as Mini-Setting releases, monster artwork, setting lore, and website development are still ongoing. For example, Starlight Arcana's final lore is being written this month and after that, we only have system-related stuff to put in there before it's done.
What can you do?
I am not one to be making "calls to action" such as boycotting or telling people ways they can affect a company in a negative manner. I do not have sympathy for WotC after what they did but I am not going to tell you to go out and do bad things.
What I will ask kindly is something that should not even have to be explained; please do not poke WotC employees. We do not know how people over at WotC are involved in this and there are many creatives working for that company that are affected by this in many different ways.
Other than that, the best you can do, that is a positive action, is to support 3rd Party TTRPG Creators as much as you can since everyone is having a hard time right now due to the OGL v1.1 situation.
Be it Dusky Cat, Ori the Cartographer, Natwuns, Kelfecil's Tales, or someone else out there.
I apologize for the long delay in releasing an update once again, but now that you have read all of the above, I am sure you can understand why I did not, since I did not want to communicate one thing and then completely switch to another. It felt too weird to leave everyone hanging for that long though, so even though we do not have an official announcement on the v1.1 yet, I still wanted to inform everyone of what our decision is or could be once we have the OGL v1.1 in our hands.
I would like to ask for your understanding and your patience once again since this is something extremely difficult for the entire Starlight Arcana team and I hope we will deliver something that you will all absolutely be thrilled to have in your hands, be it that it's a 5th edition system book or not.
We are fully aware of the fact that we marketed a 5E project and it might end up not being so. We will, however, try our best to make it something that will be just as awesome and useful to use in your games, no matter what system those are in.
Thank you so much for your time and your support (we seriously have received some absolutely heart-melting messages during these difficult times) and we cannot wait to deliver this starlit book to you.
May starlight guide your way my friends,
Bonus Backer Reward - Adventure + Supplement - Dawning's Veil!
about 2 years ago
– Wed, Dec 21, 2022 at 06:01:40 AM
This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.
Post-Project Update #3 - Christmas Special, Progress, Artwork Showcase
about 2 years ago
– Mon, Dec 19, 2022 at 06:29:15 PM
Hey, winter star people!
It's been a while since the last update and a lot has happened since then. Let's start with the important news though:
Starlight Arcana production is on schedule. We are currently polishing a few parts of Act 3. The things left to do are the following:
- Extra Stretch Goal Side Quests (early January)
- Finalizing Subclasses and Spells (late January)
- Adapting Artifact Stories and Fate mechanic to Act 3 (early February)
- Final PDF Prep (late February)
- Send the PDF out to early testers! (early March)
- Send it out for printing! (late March)
Even if we end up being 2 months late with the above scheduling, we will still be somewhat ahead of the schedule we presented on the Kickstarter project page, so no matter what happens, we are more than fine at the moment.
Reminder: Commission Tier Backers have been contacted!
If you have backed the project at a tier that has a custom commission included (token or portrait) then please check your Kickstarter inbox for a message that we have sent you.
This is just another reminder in case someone missed the previous update where I notified people of this for the first time. There's plenty of time to send in your commission ideas and references so don't worry too much about it if you haven't fully decided what you want yet.
Christmas Special!
On Tuesday, there will be will a Backers-only special update with a Winter-y, Christmas-y, festive-y flavored Adventure and Supplement!
The Supplement is about the Dawning's Veil which is the equivalent of Christmas in the Starlight Chronicles setting and has information about how people celebrate it and what you could throw in your own games in order to use it in your stories.
The Adventure is called The Parting of the Veil and it's about something that happens during the Dawning's Veil. For more on that, you'll just have to wait and read it, because... no spoilers!
Artwork Showcase
We recently received the two final versions of the maps for the villages that players will go through in Act 1. Smitchell did an absolutely fantastic job with them and she's already working on the rest of the Starlight Chronicles setting content now for our upcoming interactive setting website.
This is the village of Abria, the place where your Starlight Arcana campaign starts!
And this is the village of Sunglen, where some funky stuff will go down!
If you are into black-and-white maps, then we will have a B&W version of these in the PDF as well!
Pledge Manager Opening in 2023!
A lot of you have asked us when the Pledge Manager will be opening and we have answered quite a few times that it will be sometime around February 2023. The reason why we have not opened it yet is that we want to be very careful with how we organize the content so that you all have an easy time paying for shipping with all the information you need for it in advance.
There will be more information on the Pledge Manager in future updates but this is what we can share with you for now.
As always, thank you for your patience!
The Starlight Chronicles Funding
We have had a lot of discussions with collaborators and other professionals in the past couple of months since the end of the campaign and I realized that I never actually took the time to properly sit down and make a list with all the things that the money (that we made from the Starlight Arcana KS) is being used for.
I find it extremely important that you know where your money is going when it comes to crowdfunding projects. Starlight Arcana is a dream come true for me and has enabled me to finally be able to work on all sorts of amazing things that I did not have the funds to work on before. That also means though that there is a plan for these things and that the money is not just going down the sink.
Here is a comprehensive list of all of the funding stuff:
Funding for Starlight Arcana:
- Artwork commissions for the book
- Stretch Goal collaborator commissions
- Some parts of the writing
- Outsourced Editing
- Production (printing & manufacturing)
- A very small amount of paid advertising for the campaign
- Royalties for my amazing project partners, Ori, Karl and Dusky
Funding for other things:
- Developing the website (filterable menagerie and interactive setting map with tons of information)
- Artwork commissions for the setting (regional maps, city maps, etc.)
- Artwork commissions for mini-settings (maps, monster token artwork, etc.)
- Writing commissions for developing releases backlog (adventures, side quests, dungeon tales, new hunts, etc.)
- I finally purchased a decent PC so that I can do all of my work without any hindrances. I am now able to focus on the work itself because I don't have the sudden screen freezes and lags that I got when I was using any PDF editing software.
- Had the eye surgery operation that I've wanted since I was 12 years old.
- A 5x5 IKEA Kallax to finally store all my board games in a proper manner.
- A nice coat as a gift for my mom, for Christmas.
Writing down all these "extra" things made me feel a bit weird because, to this moment, it all still feels very surreal. It is quite something to be a struggling artist (because I worked as a professional jazz musician for a good 4-5 years) and writer for many years while moving around from country to country and trying to figure out what you really want to do and what your real calling is. These experiences though taught me a lot of things and the most important one is most definitely having an appreciation for what I have.
I do not take any of this for granted and I will always be transparent with how I plan to use this hard-earned funding that you so generously provided me with for my project. A lot of collaborators told me that there is no reason to mention what I got for myself with the extra bit of money I made from the project, but I believe in being open and direct with the people that believed in me, which is why I decided to include it anyway.
The important thing to take away from the list above is that the vast majority of the funding is used for Kelfecil's Tales content, be it Starlight Arcana or other Starlight Chronicles setting content.
I apologize for the lack of more frequent updates in November and December but it was near-impossible for me to make one that would have enough content to be a "proper" update. I had the eye surgery operation that I mentioned above and my eyesight has been blurry ever since. It usually takes around a month before you can see properly again and the doctor always advises that you do not have any intense exercise, lift anything or generally stress yourself in any way for at least a month or two. What happened instead was that my landlady went all crazy and I was forced to move out of my previous apartment in quite a rush. So, as you can imagine, there was tons of lifting stuff, tons of stress and exhaustion (I did not sleep well for at least 2 weeks). My eyesight just kept being blurry and I even got dizzy with headaches sometimes.
On the bright side, my previous real estate agent knows all about what the landlady did and how helpful and nice I have always been with apartment stuff (it's a very old apartment so it was somewhat falling apart). He made sure I am treated properly for the rest of my time there and that I leave with no further issues. I even talked to a lawyer and I was told that I can take legal action against her, but I do not see the reason why I would since I just want this stressful situation to be over. I am always extremely diligent as a tenant and I made sure all our conversations were via text or e-mail so there is a record of everything, including her horrible behavior towards me, so I am thankfully all protected against her.
That does not lessen the stress of moving to a new place so fast though. I had until the end of December to move out, but I felt extremely unsafe in the previous apartment so I tried my best to move out as soon as possible. I am now in a better place and slowly unpacking and tidying up the new space with my partner. It shouldn't take long before this place feels like home.
I also had a lot of difficult conversations in the past couple of weeks due to the extremely different perspectives on commission rates and a few other things that people have in the TTRPG field. I am, however, glad to be doing what I am doing without the need to give in to the expectations of people that live in a completely different world than I do. For that, I would like to thank you once again and I do so on behalf of the entire Kelfecil's Tales team, the writers, the artists, and everyone else.
I am running a small press outlet and I am very lucky to be working with tons of amazing people that believe in what I do. It is projects like Starlight Arcana that help keep this dream running.
Thank you.
Post-Project Update #2 - Commissions, Artwork and Foundry
about 2 years ago
– Sat, Nov 12, 2022 at 06:10:56 AM
Hey star-loving people!
We promised updates every other week and although I haven't kept that promise fully, it is because of only good things. I have been lost in my "own little world" due to how absorbed I've been with work on Starlight Arcana and the Starlight Chronicles setting and I have to say that I have been having an absolute blast!
There are a few things that I want to update you on though, so let's start!
Commission Tier Backers have been contacted!
If you have backed the project at a tier that has a custom commission included (token or portrait) then please check your Kickstarter inbox for a message that we have sent you.
The message will be from me personally (the same account that is being used for making these updates). Please be careful as it is common for scammers to try and get your information with fake messages from fake accounts. This Kickstarter account, [email protected], and Kelfecil#1336 on Discord are the only accounts we might use to contact you. Kickstarter direct messages and e-mail are the only means of communication needed but we will ask you to use Discord in case we need more information on something (highly unlikely, but just in case).
We will send a follow-up for the commissions to anyone who has not sent us information for their custom commission at the start of December again. A third and final message will be sent at the start of February 2023 to make sure everyone who has a custom commission has a chance to send us specifics for their commission.
If you haven't sent us information two weeks after the third and final message in February 2023 then we will not try to reach out to you again after that and will mark your commission as "missing".
Please make sure you check your Kickstarter messages inbox. You got plenty of time still, but we really want to make sure nobody misses their chance to get their commissions done.
ETA On Commissioned Artwork
On to the good stuff now, like when are the commissioned artwork pieces going to be delivered to backers?
This is something that we did not mention before so I wanted to make it super clear so that everyone can have a good idea of when they can expect their commission artwork to arrive.
The main plan is to start working on them in January and have them all finished at the latest mid-May 2023. This means that some of you will of course receive the custom commissions as early as January 2023 while others will have to wait until May 2023.
The reason why they will arrive at those dates is because Dusky Cat is first focusing on finalizing everything art-related in the book for all backers and then she will start creating all your fantastic ideas for the custom artworks. You will of course be contacted once they are ready and we will make another update notifying people that some have already gone out (so that you check your inbox again).
Foundry? Foundry!
The only non-fun thing I've spent time doing the last couple of weeks is working on Foundry VTT content. I really care for my Patrons that are supporting me on Patreon and for that reason, I wanted to make sure that they are receiving high-quality content without any exceptions.
With v10 of FoundryVTT out for a few months already, we set about to update over 80 different Kelfecil's Tales modules, ranging from adventures to side quests and setting supplement content. We have finally figured everything out and with the help of our VTT coordinators Blair and David, we were able to prepare a whopping 80+ Foundry modules that will become available to Patrons next week!
"But Kelf, why should I care about your Patreon and Foundry stuff?"
Very good question. The answer is; because figuring out all of this Foundry stuff has helped us prepare for the porting of Starlight Arcana to FoundryVTT. We will be way more efficient and the content will be of much higher quality standards than what it was initially going to be like. More efficiency means less work for us and faster delivery to you too, so it's a win-win scenario.
I actually wish I would not have to spend so much time researching and trial-and-erroring so much FVTT stuff, but at the end of the day, it was all worth it.
A huge shoutout to my crazy and very kind patron, Artemisthemp who single-handedly tested ALL of the Foundry modules a week before their planned release. Thank you so much Artemis, you are the real MVP here.
Writing Help - Arthur joins the team!
It is with great pleasure that I am announcing that writer Arthur Seixas De Martino from Brazil has joined the Starlight Arcana team to help bring this astral dream to life. Arthur has been writing for Kelfecil's Tales for a good 4 months now and has been working very closely with me on a lot of setting-specific content among other things.
I mentioned a few times during the campaign that I would be the one making the book and that still remains true. Just like with a lot of the Kelfecil's Tales content (adventures, side quests, setting content, etc.) I am always working tirelessly to expand the team and the scope of the content with it. The processes I have created to work with writers are one-of-a-kind and it is for that reason that I am even able to work on so much content with so many different people, each one with different backgrounds and writing/art styles.
Arthur is writing based on my narrative design prompts and has so far done an absolutely fantastic job on all of the content that is being prepared for Starlight Arcana. All that you read on the campaign page and on the updates that came with it are all going to be in the book but with the help of Arthur, they are going to be even more expanded. Arthur is basically giving me the benefit of being able to populate the book with even more content that players and GMs will find useful.
I really wanted to make this announcement in this update because I am honestly beyond honored to have fantastic co-writers and collaborators like Arthur and I am very excited to have him contribute to what was already a TTRPG book that is influenced by people from all over the world.
Book Progress? There's lots!
You are probably wondering "how far along is the book at this point?" Well, the answer to that is "quite far".
While I cannot pinpoint a percentage, I can tell you that we've done most of the heavy work and we are actually ahead of schedule which is something that I say with great pride because I always strive to organize things as best as possible to meet all deadlines and expectations.
The extra time we have for production will all be put into making the book look as amazing as possible. This will all be Ori's doing (our cartographer and graphic designer on the project) and we honestly wanted to be able to give her as much time as possible for this as possible. It is the only step in the entire process that I feared would take extra time but since we are doing so well schedule-wise, I am starting to feel more and more comfortable with the dates and roadmaps we've presented to you so far through updates.
Right now, we are working on finalizing some maps for Act 2 and then putting some final touches on Subclasses before sending them out for some testing. All content is flowing at all times with editing happening on some parts while other parts are being produced. It is a highly efficient process that I am very proud to be managing and seeing it all come together so well.
Once again, all this would be impossible without, first, the help of my fantastic collaborators and, second, your support on this project.
Believe it when I say that still not a day goes by where I do not wake up thinking about how much you've supported us on this project and I take all of this very seriously, working day after day on making something that you will all cherish, use and remember for a long time.
Sneak Peeks!
Here are a couple more finished artworks by some of our amazing artists. This time, some NPC portraits!
A curious little one that is looking for something... will you help them find it? (by shadeweaver_arts)
This mystical ghost-like will need your help... (by Anel.png)
A stranger, wandering the ruins of a once long-lost civilization. Who are they? (by StylusIsMyStyle)
Kickstarter Friends!
Our good friends over at NordGames are running yet ANOTHER awesome guide. You know how critical I am of content that is just named "Potato's Guide to Potating" as there are thousands of those out there (and only a couple of them are even offering something remotely new to the TTRPG space in my honest opinion) but NordGames has for a long time made the end-all-be-all guides for 5E DnD.
Their book about traps is still my favorite and go-to book for anything trap related in TTRPGs (even in non-5E games) and I absolutely love what they have done with the decks that allow you to randomize your traps too.
Following their usual awesome guide logic, they are now running: The Ultimate Guide to Foraging, Harvesting & Natural Discovery!
They already have 2k plus backers and have raised over $150k in funding and I am so glad to be seeing a guide of such fantastic quality be doing so well.
While Foraging and Harvesting are two things that I know for a fact I would most likely not use in my own games as a GM or even a player, the Natural Discovery part of the book got me hooked and I am very curious to see all the content it will offer. It basically allows you to have some awesome experiences that enrich your character's story. Think of it like side quests, but much cooler with a NordGames feel to them.
Seriously, do yourself a favor and check it out because their 5E guides are just phenomenally useful.
You can find their Kickstarter campaign at this link!
That is all for today!
I hope the cold winter is not hitting you as hard as it is hitting us here in Poland and until the next update...
May Starlight guide your way my friends!